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Thermal Energy Storage

CPEG’s patented technology is reimagining energy management for large buildings. By reducing the building temperature overnight and into the early morning, a building can take advantage of lower-cost, cleaner-burning energy sources. And then, by shutting down its power-hungry cooling systems during the day’s peak-use hours, the building’s overall energy consumption can be reduced by 10 percent or more, resulting in a 20 percent or greater savings in energy expense and up to a 30 percent reduction in peak energy demand. With CPEG’s technology, these processes are closely managed, enabling such savings without an impact on occupant comfort.


ACT Gasification is a staged process of converting organic and fossil fuel-based carbonaceous materials into a renewable energy source. The three -stage, highly controlled process involves a series of processes where waste material reacts with a controlled amount of oxygen at temperatures in excess of 1300°F without combustion. The cost benefits of the ACT Gasification System stem from the potential reduction in disposal costs, the reduction in volume of waste materials and from the generation of renewable electricity or valuable products from the waste materials.